Iowa Special Olympics partnership

Over the past years UnitedHealthcare has impacted each and every one of our Special Olympics athletes in the state of Iowa.

"UnitedHealthcare has continued to go above and beyond for the Special Olympics Iowa community by continuing to create a partnership between the two organizations. UHC employees love to come out and volunteer and support our athletes. When they come to volunteer you can see their employees’ support go beyond cheering them on in competition.

UHC volunteers and supports not only the competition, but the Healthy Athlete Initiative helping our athletes create an overall healthy lifestyle as well as the Challenge Day program which is adapted for our more severe and profound population of Special Olympics. I’ve enjoyed working with UnitedHealthcare and continuing to grow with them to create a healthy community."

John Kliegl | VP of Development, Special Olympics Iowa



"UHC employees love to come out and volunteer and support our athletes."

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