Collaboration supports independent living programs in Pennsylvania

Individuals with disabilities experience higher rates of health challenges than the general population.1 With 26% of adults having been diagnosed with a disability, Pennsylvania has a significant portion of its population at a higher risk for depression, obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Another population at heightened risk for heart disease is veterans over the age of 50.2 Pennsylvania has the fourth largest veteran population in the nation at 800k individuals, and 76% of that population are over the age of 55.3 Dedicated to improving health outcomes in Pennsylvania, the UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Pennsylvania invested $180k in the United Disabilities Services Foundation (UDSF) to support aging and disability services for individuals across the state.

Nonprofit organizations like UDSF are critical to ensuring individuals can access programs and assistance services to support their mental and physical health, independence and social needs. UDSF provides services to help veterans, people who are aging and people with disabilities live safely and independently in their own homes. Its comprehensive services include planning/support, personal care/independence, enrichment/life skills and management solutions for organizations.

UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Pennsylvania’s investment will build capacity for programs and services offered by UDSF, including:

  • The resource center: A centralized location where individuals can get assistance from counselors to access resources regarding UDSF’s services.
  • Service dogs: UDSF service dogs are trained for over two years by dedicated volunteers and professionals. These service dogs support people who have a mobility disability, autism or PTSD.
  • The challenger football and cheerleading league: This league provides an opportunity for youth with disabilities aged 8-21 to exercise and have fun. All players are encouraged to participate to their level of ability.

“It is a privilege to collaborate with UDSF to ensure that individuals facing the greatest barriers are connected to all of the resources they need to achieve their personal and health goals,” said Blair Boroch, CEO, UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Pennsylvania. “Organizations like UDSF work tirelessly to make these programs more accessible, leading to fuller lives and better outcomes.”   

“UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Pennsylvania is dedicated to helping people live healthier lives and is an organization that can be trusted to do what they say,” said William Kepner, CEO, United Disabilities Services Foundation. “When our organization shared vital areas of need for those we serve within our local communities, UnitedHealthcare generously stepped in to help fill those needs. They truly walk the talk and are great collaborative partners.”

UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Pennsylvania has a long-standing relationship with UDSF, working together to better the lives of Pennsylvanians. Read through one of our member stories to learn how the collaboration improved home accessibility for a 9-year-old member. 

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