Person-centered planning improves care, reduces barriers

J.J. is a pregnant single mother with a ten-year-old son from a previous relationship. She has a limited support system and resources to manage her pregnancy, which has created many challenges and stressors for her overall health. She has been extremely sick with nausea and vomiting and has lost a significant amount of weight since the start of her pregnancy, which is taking a toll on her physical and mental health. This left her disheartened and scared, with confusion about where to turn to for help. 

J.J. met a UnitedHealthcare representative at a local community event and shared her frustrations and concerns. The representative immediately reached out to a specialist from the UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Rhode Island.  The specialist reviewed J.J.’s needs and health goals as well as the challenges and barriers that prevented success. J.J. was then connected with a maternity care nurse who immediately created a person-centered care plan that included resources to support J.J and her family.

The most pressing health concern was J.J.’s extreme nausea and vomiting due to her pregnancy.  Through collaborative efforts between her providers and the maternity care nurse, J.J. was seen by a gastroenterologist and ordered to receive a treatment of intravenous (IV) medication twice a week. 

However, it was challenging for J.J. to make these appointments because she did not have adequate childcare or transportation. To help her with ongoing appointments, the maternity care nurse was able to arrange in-home IV infusions which eliminated the need for travel and childcare.  This helped J.J. receive treatment consistently and also gave her extra time to concentrate on the health of herself and her family. 

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