Tennessee employee spotlight: Clancey Hopper

Clancey Hopper, clinical administrative coordinator at UnitedHealthcare, was born with Williams syndrome, a congenital heart defect. As an adult with a disability, Clancey often struggled to fit in and find fulfilling friendships. But when she got her first job, work allowed her to try new experiences and meet new people. After that, she knew that she wanted to continue finding job opportunities that would bring her joy. That’s when she found UnitedHealthcare.

What I told myself is that I’m Clancey Hopper first and my disability second, and I’m a person who deserves to be respected.

Because of Clancey’s unique experiences living with a disability, she can connect with UnitedHealthcare members on a deeper level. And her positive perspective helps others on her team grow and see life through a different lens. Learn more about Clancey’s employment journey in this video created as part of The Star Center’s #ICanWorkToo initiative, which highlights the unique contributions that individuals with disabilities bring to the workforce across the state of Tennessee

Video: Tennessee Employee Spotlight: Clancey Hopper
Tennessee Employee Spotlight: Clancey Hopper video still

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