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Products Offered
- ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
- ACA Medicaid Expansion
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
- LTSS (Long-Term Services & Supports)
UnitedHealthcare Community & State
We’re one of the largest providers of Medicaid coverage on behalf of states across the nation.
We offer the following Medicaid products:
ACA Medicaid Expansion
ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
LTSS (Long-Term Services & Supports)
DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
Products Offered
- ACA Medicaid Expansion
- ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
- LTSS (Long-Term Services & Supports)
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
- Other
Products Offered
- ACA Medicaid Expansion
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
Products Offered
- ACA Medicaid Expansion
- ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
- LTSS (Long-Term Services & Supports)
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
Products Offered
- LTSS (Long-Term Services & Supports)
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
- ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
- Other
Products Offered
- ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
Products Offered
- ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
- LTSS (Long-Term Services & Supports)
Products Offered
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
Products Offered
- ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
- LTSS (Long-Term Services & Supports)
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
UnitedHealthcare Community & State
We’re one of the largest providers of Medicaid coverage on behalf of states across the nation.
We offer the following Medicaid products:
ACA Medicaid Expansion
ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
LTSS (Long-Term Services & Supports)
DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
Products Offered
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
Products Offered
- ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
- ACA Medicaid Expansion
Products Offered
- ACA Medicaid Expansion
- ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
- Other
UnitedHealthcare Community & State
We’re one of the largest providers of Medicaid coverage on behalf of states across the nation.
Products Offered
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
- ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
Products Offered
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
Products Offered
- ACA Medicaid Expansion
- ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
- LTSS (Long-Term Services & Supports)
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
- Other
Products Offered
- LTSS (Long-Term Services & Supports)
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
Products Offered
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
UnitedHealthcare Community & State
We’re one of the largest providers of Medicaid coverage on behalf of states across the nation.
We offer the following Medicaid products:
ACA Medicaid Expansion
ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
LTSS (Long-Term Services & Supports)
DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
UnitedHealthcare Community & State
We’re one of the largest providers of Medicaid coverage on behalf of states across the nation.
We offer the following Medicaid products:
ACA Medicaid Expansion
ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
LTSS (Long-Term Services & Supports)
DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
Products Offered
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
- ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
- ACA Medicaid Expansion
UnitedHealthcare Community & State
We’re one of the largest providers of Medicaid coverage on behalf of states across the nation.
We offer the following Medicaid products:
ACA Medicaid Expansion
ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
LTSS (Long-Term Services & Supports)
DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
Products Offered
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
UnitedHealthcare Community & State
We’re one of the largest providers of Medicaid coverage on behalf of states across the nation.
We offer the following Medicaid products:
ACA Medicaid Expansion
ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
LTSS (Long-Term Services & Supports)
DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
UnitedHealthcare Community & State
We’re one of the largest providers of Medicaid coverage on behalf of states across the nation.
We offer the following Medicaid products:
ACA Medicaid Expansion
ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
LTSS (Long-Term Services & Supports)
DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
Products Offered
- ACA Medicaid Expansion
- ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
- Foster Care Programs
Products Offered
- ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
- LTSS (Long-Term Services & Supports)
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
- Other
Products Offered
- ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
- ACA Medicaid Expansion
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
UnitedHealthcare Community & State
We’re one of the largest providers of Medicaid coverage on behalf of states across the nation.
We offer the following Medicaid products:
ACA Medicaid Expansion
ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
LTSS (Long-Term Services & Supports)
DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
UnitedHealthcare Community & State
We’re one of the largest providers of Medicaid coverage on behalf of states across the nation.
We offer the following Medicaid products:
ACA Medicaid Expansion
ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
LTSS (Long-Term Services & Supports)
DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
Products Offered
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
- ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
- ACA Medicaid Expansion
Products Offered
- LTSS (Long-Term Services & Supports)
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
- ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
- ACA Medicaid Expansion
- Foster Care Programs
UnitedHealthcare Community & State
We’re one of the largest providers of Medicaid coverage on behalf of states across the nation.
We offer the following Medicaid products:
ACA Medicaid Expansion
ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
LTSS (Long-Term Services & Supports)
DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
Products Offered
- ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
Products Offered
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
Products Offered
- ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
- ACA Medicaid Expansion
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
- Foster Care Programs
Products Offered
- ACA Medicaid Expansion
- ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
Products Offered
- ACA Medicaid Expansion
- ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
- LTSS (Long-Term Services & Supports)
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
- Foster Care Programs
Products Offered
- ACA Medicaid Expansion
- LTSS (Long-Term Services & Supports)
Products Offered
- ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
- ACA Medicaid Expansion
- LTSS (Long-Term Services & Supports)
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
Products Offered
- ACA Medicaid Expansion
- ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
Products Offered
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
Products Offered
- ABD (Aged, Blind & Disabled)
- LTSS (Long-Term Services & Supports)
- DSNP (Dual Special Needs Plans)
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