Dedicated to serving Ohioans

We are committed to supporting our state partners, members, providers, and the community in:

  • Improving wellness and health outcomes
  • Emphasizing a personalized care experience
  • Supporting providers in better patient care
  • Improving care for children and adults with complex needs
  • Ensuring program transparency and accountability

By working together to implement innovative solutions to make our health care system work better for everyone, we can help local communities break the cycle of poverty and poor health.

Ensuring that Ohioans have access to the care they need

We bring together local care providers, community leaders and neighborhood social programs to help people meet the full spectrum of their wellness needs. And in the process, we are helping entire communities strengthen their physical, social and economic health.

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Multicultural Health Care Distinction

UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Ohio was awarded the Multicultural Health Care Distinction by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). This distinction identifies organizations that lead the market in providing culturally and linguistically sensitive services and working to reduce health care disparities. Read more about this award. 

Delivering focused and individualized care through enhanced engagement and member choice

Our person-centered approach starts by building a trusting relationship with individuals and their families. Our services address both physical and behavioral needs, and our care is highly coordinated, eliminating duplication of services. We work to empower our members to be active participants in their own health. And we work to remove any barriers that stand in the way.

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Reducing burden and customizing support to help providers deliver person-centered and high-quality care

At UnitedHealthcare, we’re working to create a system that is connected, aligned and more affordable for all involved. This includes a system that delivers high-quality care and is responsive to the needs of each person as well as the community in which they live. A key component of this work involves strong collaboration with providers.

2019 Pinnacle Award Winner

UnitedHealthcare received a 2019 Pinnacle Award from the Ohio Association of Health Plans for it’s innovative digital prescription program for providers — PreCheck MyScript for providers.

Pinnacle Awards are given on an annual basis to OAHP member health plans who have launched initiatives that have become best practices in addressing the challenges of a shifting health care environment.

Provider Advisory Council

UnitedHealthcare Community & State has established a Provider Advisory Council (Council) in each of our markets in support of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) standards. Provider Advisory Councils largely give feedback on new projects, programs and policies aimed to address state priorities. For example, the Ohio Council’s priorities focus on five key populations: child wellness, individuals with behavioral health conditions, women and children, individuals living with chronic conditions and adult wellness. Read more about the Council, and how Ohio has aligned their Council to focus on these priorities. 

Expanding value-based care to deliver better health, better care and lower costs

Rather than compensating physicians, hospitals, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) and other providers based on volume, value-based care programs reward physicians for keeping people healthy, enhancing care coordination and following clinical best practices.

Improving the health and well-being of children and youth impacted by the foster care system and adults and children with complex care needs

Medicaid members face some of the most complex care challenges in the health care system. Putting greater emphasis on proactive, coordinated and integrated care that addresses not just symptoms, but also the social and environmental factors related to a person’s well-being, can help reverse this trend.

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Addressing the opioid epidemic

While the opioid epidemic impacts individuals and communities throughout the country, regardless of socio-economic class, the impact seen within Medicaid programs is profound. UnitedHealthcare has a deep, multifaceted approach to the national opioid epidemic. Our vision is to demonstrate market leadership and use our influence to implement strategies that improve opioid-related outcomes. 

Some of these strategies include:

  • Using analytics to manage opioids prescribed after dental procedures, monitor opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment, track babies born with neonatal abstinence syndrome and identify outlier prescribing patterns.
  • Conducting thorough ongoing drug utilization review both retrospectively and going forward to identify members for referral to care management, counseling and treatment programs.
  • Improving OUD prevention through tighter pharmacy controls, consumer and provider education programs.
  • Expanding access and reducing barriers to evidence-based OUD treatment.
  • Implementing enhanced solutions for special populations, such as pregnant women with opioid use disorder and their infants, adolescents and individuals involved in the criminal justice system. 

To learn more about our approach to the treatment & prevention of opiate use disorder read our whitepaper.


Delivering value-driven care, program integrity and transparent data analytics

UnitedHealthcare collaborates with a diverse array of community decision-makers and influencers to better understand the barriers to better health. This “on-the-ground” and localized approach establishes a pattern of trust and partnership while maximizing resources within the community and using data to efficiently address any existing gaps.

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Read the full Ohio Health Plan Profile

Ohio in the News

  • Feb '20

    February 5, 2020 - Dayton Foodbank unveils new mobile food pantry, increases reach in Miami Valley Read Article

  • Apr '20

    April 13, 2020 - UnitedHealthcare working to re-make care model at Ohio’s community pharmacies amid coronavirus Read Article

  • May '20

    May 14, 2020 - UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Ohio Awarded NCQA Distinction in Multicultural Health Care Read Article

  • Jun '20

    June 5, 2020 - $100 million invested in Columbus-based low-income housing company Read Article

  • Aug '20

    August 11, 2020 - Mike Roaldi & Rita Horwitz - Making Healthcare More Accessible Read Article

  • Sept '20

    September 26, 2020 - Pharmacists in Ohio managing care as providers—and getting paid for it too Read Article

  • Oct '20

    October 9, 2020 - Cleveland Metropolitan School District to receive $20,000 grant to help students with remote learning Read Article

  • Nov '20

    November 2, 2020 - An act of service: One nurse’s three-month deployment to a COVID-19 ICU in New York Read Article 


    November 24, 2020 - Medical professionals stress importance of suicide prevention, awareness during holidays amid COVID-19 pandemic Read Article


    November 25, 2020 - Suicide numbers in Ohio steady during pandemic, but signs point to possible surge Read Article

  • Dec '20

    December 8, 2020 - UnitedHealth Group offers free COVID-19 testing at three churches in Cleveland Watch Video


    December 8, 2020 - UnitedHealth, Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation Join Forces to Address Increase in Hotline Calls Read Article

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