At UnitedHealthcare, we are committed to working closely with the communities we serve to develop solutions that improve the health system for everyone. With values of compassion and prioritizing relationships, we advocate for our members and work with local organizations to improve health outcomes.
Challenges faced by the senior population
In December 2023 and January 2024, UnitedHealthcare District Dual Choice Program contributed to care packaging efforts for senior and low-income populations. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 25% of adults in the U.S. aged 65 and older are considered to be socially isolated.1 Those who are socially isolated are at a higher risk of developing dementia, and nearly 95% of older adults have at least one chronic condition.2,3
Mayor Muriel Bowser’s Senior Holiday Celebration
The District of Columbia Mayor’s Senior Holiday Celebration is an event that gives the 88,000 older adults in the community an opportunity to connect with fellow residents and to receive giveaways.4 Celebrating 25 years of bringing the senior community together during the holidays, the event included a variety of entertainment with over 70 government agencies and community-based organizations in attendance.5 The UnitedHealthcare District Dual Choice Program team attended the event on December 13, 2023, passing out over 500 giveaways including UnitedHealthcare-branded pill dispensers, back scratchers and toothbrushes.
Challenges faced by low-income individuals
On January 17, 2024, UnitedHealthcare District Dual Choice Program’s Equity team collaborated with the Pennsylvania Avenue Baptist Church (PABC) and the Latin American Youth Center (LAYC) to assemble over 200 care packages for low-income residents of District Columbia. For 65 years, PABC has worked to improve the lives of their congregation and surrounding community. Through LAYC’s multi-cultural programs, they empower a diverse population of youth to successfully transition to adulthood and have served over 70,000 individuals since 1968.7
Defining low-income adults as those who make 200% or less under the Federal Poverty Limit (FPL) and high-income adults as those who make 400% or more over the FPL, research shows that 20% of low-income adults in the U.S. report their health as fair or poor, compared to 5% of high-income adults.6 Low-income individuals are additionally more likely to report delaying care, not being able to afford prescription medications and experiencing problems paying medical bills relative to higher-income individuals.
Care package assembly
With over 9,000 District of Columbia residents living under the FPL, the UnitedHealth Group Health Equity Team along with the UnitedHealthcare District Dual Choice Program collaborated with the PABC and LAYC to donate care packages. The team donated and assembled care packages with the following items:
- Hypoallergenic wipes
- Hand sanitizer
- Lysol spray
- Kleenex
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Beanie
- Gloves
- Socks
- Moisturizer
Care packages were distributed by the LAYC and the PABC.
UnitedHealthcare District Dual Choice Program strives to support the whole-person health needs of its members. Through involvement in community programs, UnitedHealthcare makes an impact on the health outcomes of residents of the District of Columbia.