School-based health centers play a crucial role in improving student health

School-based health centers (SBHCs) are clinics located on or near school campuses that provide essential health services to improve student health and well-being.

By offering healthcare within the school setting, SBHCs remove barriers like transportation and time limitations. This makes it more convenient for parents, caregivers, and students to access necessary care.

SBHCs promote preventive care, early intervention of chronic conditions, and help decrease risky behaviors. They support early identification and treatment of physical and mental health conditions, tailored to the specific needs of students at different grade levels.

This not only improves health outcomes but also reduces absenteeism, emergency room visits, and involvement with the juvenile justice system.

Watch this video to learn more about the role SBHCs play in addressing health disparities and promoting overall well-being for students and their families.

Video: School-based health centers play a crucial role in improving student health

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